Executive Board members

Sandra Duesterhaus, President

Brian Rasek, Executive Vice President

Brett Duesterhaus, VP of Finance

Charles Smedinghoff, VP of Facilities

Stephanie Mitchell, VP of Communications

Mario Manno, VP of In-House

Nate Gesler, VP of Bulldogs Baseball

OPEN , Director of Player Development

Nick Eigenschenk, Director of Special Events

Natalie Gerambia, Director of Community Relations


Please contact info@clbaseball.com if you are interested in joining the CLB Executive Board or volunteering for a managing board position.


The Board of Directors are the leaders of Crystal Lake Baseball. The Board is divided into two parts; the Executive Board (members elected by membership and have full voting rights), and the Managing Board (members appointed by majority vote of the Executive Board who handle the day-to-day operations of the association’s functions). The entire Board meets monthly to discuss league issues, approve expenditures, improve our program, etc. Board meetings are open to the public, however only Executive Board members are permitted to vote on motions.